Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Made it to Cape Disappointment

It started raining at 10:00 this morning and it has not let up since then. I went to the campground at Cape disappointment State Park and the whole biker section was one big pool of water. I was forced to get a motel tonight. I have good rain gear, but when you get pounded by a hard rain for hours, it eventually breaches the best of rain gear. So I am presently drying out in my room. I did go to the Lewis and Clark Museum and it was fantastic. Very well done with great displays and authentic artifacts. Their expedition fascinates me. It was fun to see where they finally reached the Pacific Ocean. I went up to the lighthouse on top of the hill and the visibility was very poor. The wind was howling and the rain was pounding, but I could still make out the ouTline of this beautiful and rugged area. Biked about 50 miles today. I am seven miles from the Oregon border. I will cross over into Oregon tomorrow morning. I will enter Astoria and then bike some 50 a 60 miles down the coast. It is supposed to be another heavy rain day, but I hope it is not As heavy as today. Loving my adventure, even with the rain and wind. When I am out there, it is like I am one with nature. God's creations speak to my spirit and I feel the Love of God and his creations.