Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Had a 15-20 mph tailwind pishing me today. Love those tailwinds. Biked 68 miles. Am saying in a campground on the avenue of the giants. I pitched my tent right under 3 massive redwoods. Who knows how old they are? It is beautiful in here. Very quiet and quite dark. Having chili for dinner. Pretty flat today, I do not miss the hills. On Thursday though, I will bike up over legget hill, 2000 feet high, the highest on the California coast. I will then drop down as I draw closer to the Bay area, where I will meet Kim on Friday. Started off with fog today but it burned off after an hour. Getting much warmer as I move further South. It was in the 80's today. Meeting more bikers every day. Quite a few of them here in California. They have all been pretty nice, and it's fun sharing stories of the road. Well, that's it for now. See you later. Jerry